ショッピングカート $0.00



A fine old violin from the Emile Mennesson workshop /Joseph Guarini -1897 A beautiful old 4/4 French violin made by Emile Mennesson - 1897.
MENNESSON, Emile Born 1842, died 1920 Rheims France.
Worked in Paris before employment with Martin and Joseph Guarini in Mirecourt where he later established his
own extensive workshop 1876-1881, taking over the business of Guarini and using the name as a
professional trade mark in good quality commercial instruments.
Highly successful. This lovely instrument is wearing its original label inside (numbered signed and dated).
Very nice violin as you may expect from this important French successful violin maker.
A lovely violin in a very good condition.
The sound is strong, clear and mellow.
A good strong projection. Beautiful dark- brown/reddish original oil varnish.
This beautiful instrument is in a good condition, comes with new strings, tailpiece, and bridge.
Interesting price for this kind of violin - compare price/quality and you will know.
Pls. contact me if you have questions !
Cerificate from our shop included.


You're reviewing: Emile Mennesson - Joseph Guarini



Emile Mennesson - Joseph Guarini

商品コード: V95
Emile Mennesson - Joseph Guarini is available for purchase in increments of 1

Emile Mennesson workshop - Joseph Guarini.

メーカー名 Emile Mennesson
日付 1897
背中の長さ 356
カラー reddish/brown
証明書 はい
製造国 フランス
アクセサリー いいえ