ショッピングカート $0.00



A fine French violin bow by Marc Laberte
A beautiful and fine French violin bow made by the famous Marc Laberte - branded " Louis Bazin"on the stick - certified by J.F. Raffin in Paris.
A beautiful dark brownish pernambuco stick, round shaped, strong but flexible with a good balance and fine quality..
The lenght of the elegant stick is around 73,2 cm (4/4/ , and the perfect weight of the bow is ca. 60 g.
It comes with a new hair, silver winding and leather grip, ready to play. Beautiful ebony frog with pearl eyes and three part adjuster. - all parts original.


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Marc Laberte フランスのバイオリンの弓

商品コード: B78

Laberte violin bow

メーカー名 Marc Laberte
着丈弓 72.9
体重を弓 60
日付 1945
カラー brown
証明書 はい
製造国 フランス
アクセサリー いいえ
背中の長さ na