ショッピングカート $0.00



Old 7/8 size German violin after Nicolaus Amati - J.B. Schweitzer workshop.

Old German violin made after Nicolaus Amati - made in the J.B. Schweitzer workshop - Germany.

Interesting 7/8 size - back size is 345, there are not so many to find these days.

This beautiful instrument is wearing and Amati label.
A very beautiful two -piece back.

Beautiful old patina and look ; fine and decent workmanship.
The sound is open and warm, with a strong projektion.

New tailpiece and strings included.

Pls. contact me if you have questions !

length back: ca. 345 mm (7/8 size - Lady Size).

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You're reviewing: 7/8 size violin - J.B. Schweitzer


7/8 size violin - J.B. Schweitzer

商品コード: V130

7/8 size violin - J.B. Schweitzer workshop

メーカー名 J.B. Schweitzer workshop
日付 ca. 1890
背中の長さ 345
カラー brown
証明書 はい
製造国 ドイツ
アクセサリー いいえ