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Viola bow by Louis Morizot frères.

This is a very nice example of French viola bow making ! 

This Morizot viola bow is certified by J.F. Raffin in Paris.

This French viola bow has a strong but souple stick is made from the finest orange brown pernambuco wood and is round shaped.
The ebony frog is made with pearl eyes and a fine one-part screw.(all original).

A strong good viola bow, nickel-silver mounted, with a fine balance and a powerful tone production.
The total length of the stick is around 73.1 cm - 4/4 size -  and the weight of the bow is 70 gr.

The bow is straight and has a beautiful curve.
Fine new winding, hair and new leather grip, in a good condition.

The L. Morizot Fr. obtained the highly reputated award, "Exposition Artisanale Paris" in 1929 for their superbe work.

Morizot viola bows are still wanted and respected by many amateurs and professional players.

A very nice and  (still) affordable viola bow !


You're reviewing: Louis Morizot freres 小提琴弓


Louis Morizot freres 小提琴弓

产品代码 b20

L. Morizot freres 小提琴弓

制作师姓名 Louis Morizot freres
bow lenght 73.1
bow weight 69,5
日期 1960
颜色 orange/brown
制作师的国籍 法国
配件 不要
背部的长度 na