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Information for violin players,viola players and cellists

Useful information for violin players, viola players and cellists.

As you can see, this section contains many interesting topics and links.
We hope that this kind of information will be an interesting source of inspiration for many musicians.
Please contact us if you have other useful  information for this topic !

 information for violin players

Violin Buying Tips :

Buying a violin

Buying a cello

Buying a violin bow

Raffin certificates

Buying a violin on Ebay

General nformation for violin players :

History of the violin

European violin makers

French bow makers

History of the violin bow

Violin making

What is the best violin rosin ?

Violin Forums :


The Violin Forum



Violin Magazines

The Strad

Strings Magazine

Fiddler Magazine

Cello Forums - Cello information :

What is the best cello rosin ?

Internet Cello Society Forums

Cello Chat

8notes Cello Forum

Violin Scores; music :

Mozart Music Scores

Virtual Sheet Music

dots 4 strings

Music Scores.com

Facebook violin links :

The Violin Channel


Violin Lab

Facebook cello links :

Violoncello Cello

The Portland Cello Project

Violoncello Cello


Visit our violin shop for old violins.
French violinsItalian violins and violas.
or visit our section of professional French violin bows, or 
French cello bows

Visit our cello shop